Keep Hope Alive

What's most precious always will be.


My name is Albireo and all of this is temporary. You may use any pronouns for me, but I prefer they. This body has lived for more than 21 years. Spiritual - feel welcome to ask questions. I'm not okay with intentionally bringing harm to others. No DNI; just please have compassion and respect for others, and walk with an open mind and heart.Please remember that there is a difference between hatred that comes from ignorance and malice, and hatred that comes from a place of hurt and lived cruelty. To have compassion sometimes requires that we understand why someone else doesn't. To have respect sometimes requires that we revoke it from those who have acted against it.I've been writing for most of my life, dreaming of better worlds - I suppose I forgot, somewhere along the way, that the one I already live in is wild and wondrous and worth fighting for.I'm interested in a lot of things. Astronomy, paleontology, and biology as a whole are some of my favourite things to talk about. I enjoy a lot of media, and some of my favourites are Suikoden, Tolkien's works, Fire Emblem, Ensemble Stars, and Final Fantasy (I've played all of the main series games as well as most spinoffs.) If there's anything you're curious about, please feel free to ask. If I haven't played / read / watched something you want to talk to me about, I'm always open to trying new things. ♥ Speak to me of the triumph of hope and the prevailing of small acts of kindness. There will always be good if you seek it out.